Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Disappearing Island

Last Wednesday, 2/18/2015, there was a very low tide in Emeryville. Myles one of our friends from the Marina organized a pirate party . There is an area called Ashby Shoals that only shows up a few times a year at very low tides,  just off the coast between Emeryville and Berkeley. About 20 of us piled into little boats, dinghies, kayaks etc. went out to the island. We left about 5 pm and got there just as the island was starting to appear. AshbyShoalF

See our pirate flag and lovely bonfire!


We hunted for buried treasure, I found a box of chocolates!



Hartley and I dressed as pirates , me being the mean one.





Just had to show off my fancy pirate tights.


Myles dressed as a real pirate.


Hartley rowing us home.


The sun sets on the island as it starts to disappear again.  By 8 PM it was all gone!!!

The New Adventure Begins

Hartley sailing leaving RIchmond

Hartley sailing leaving RIchmond

Lesley at the helm

Lesley at the helm

The port of Richmond with its oil tankers

The port of Richmond with its oil tankers

Two tugs getting ready to push one of the oil tankers

Two tugs getting ready to push one of the oil tankers

Hartley, my husband, and I are leaving our 5 bedroom home and moving on our sailboat. It’s name is Atsa, eagle in Navajo. It is a 48 foot Tayana decksalon sloop. That means it has one mast and a slightly raised ceiling in the salon so there is more light down below than in most sailboats. We plan to sail the world.

I arrived yesterday in San Francisco and went to Richmond where the boat had just finished her anti-aging and beauty treatment. Today we motored (there was no wind!) back from Richmond to Emeryville Marina our home port for the next few months. We will be here until mid June getting the boat ready and waiting for the good summer weather. I spent the afternoon unpacking the 90 pounds of stuff I brought from Phoenix (mostly clothes !) and trying to find a place to put it all.