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The Last Few Weeks

See the problem

Sorry I haven’t posted for awhile but I have been busy! I decided I wanted to really have this sailing thing down so I signed up for sailing classes. They were Monday-Thursday for two weeks through Club Nautique in Alameda. Boy did I find out I had forgotten a lot of the basics and I had a ton of fun. The first week was basic keelboat and one of the students didn’t show so there were just two of us. We got very individual attention and our instructor was wonderful. The second week was basic cruising. Again we had an outstanding instructor and just 3 students. We worked on a lot of docking skills and man over board rescues (Hartley is glad of that). One of the guys in the class had never sailed before and had never seen San Francisco from the water. It was fun to listen to his comments about the beautiful view you get of San Francisco, he was so excited and indeed the view is gorgeous.

Jim being excited taking pictures of San Francisco

Jim being excited taking pictures of San Francisco


Me having fun

Me having fun

San Francisco from the water

San Francisco from the water

On the weekend in between the two courses I went to a 4 hour kayaking course in Alameda. Lots of muscle power that day.

Yeah Kayaking!

Yeah Kayaking!

A nice surprise that the sailboat docked right next to the kayaking place was our old boat from 10 years ago “White Eagle” now called Osprey. What a dose of nostalgia. That is the boat we sailed to Hawaii so she has a very special place in my heart.

White Eagle a blast from the pst

White Eagle a blast from the past


We went out sailing this weekend, but before we did that we had to ready the boat for sailing. Sail boats tip so everything has to be put away , nothing on the counters, salon benches, table etc. This is quite a challenge as we are still trying to stuff that 5 bedroom house into this 48 foot boat.

See the problem

See the problem

Much Improved

Much Improved

The sailing was great with winds 15-20 knots and the boat flying at 7-8 knots. The sun was shining and all was good with the world.
Today— more work on the packing so maybe we can actually reach the anchor so we can take a trip and anchor out soon.

Interesting Times

It has been interesting recently. My husband’s mother is very ill so he went back East to New Hampshire to help care for her and I have been alone on the boat. Very lonely but probably good for me to be away from him for a little while, we have been glued at the hip since this retirement thing started.
Fortunately nothing major has gone wrong on the boat since he left, but I have figured out how to do a few things that he always did and found out where a few things were kept that that I had never worried about (toilet paper!!!!) Oh and the tank just ran out of water , of course, while I was taking a shower. It is cold to switch tanks when you are soaking wet.

I have been making an effort to use my bike or take public transportation, just cause. I made an exception Wednesday night as I went to Oakland which I hear can be a little rough and wasn’t sure what kind of neighborhood I would be in. I went to the Awaken Cafe where there was chamber music. It is a very small venue . Several different groups played and I think we heard about 8 different pieces.

The oboist and the rest of the quartet.

The oboist and the rest of the quartet.

The picture of the flutist is a little better .I haven't figured out he art of taking pictures in the dar yet.

The picture of the flutist is a little better .I haven’t figured out he art of taking pictures in the dark yet.

They were very good with a really fantastic oboist. At the end, as we were getting ready to leave , 4 of the players said they would like to do something else and site read a flute quartet. Pretty amazing for never having practiced it or practiced together.

Today I went on a walking tour of San Francisco in the Embarcadero area with a meetup group. ( If you have never heard of you should look it up, the activities are lots of fun. )
Let me start at the beginning. I drove the car down to the BART San Francisco’s light rail system) with great expectations of being able to park at the station, it was Saturday and my boat neighbor told me that there was lots of parking now as they had just built a new multi- story parking lot. I got there and found a great hole in the ground!! It isn’t built yet and the old parking lot is gone as that is where they are building the new one. I was already a few minutes later than I had intended to be and now had to hunt for parking. I drove round and round with people behind me honking away as I tried to read all the little signs saying no parking, 2 hour parking etc . Finally I went down this one little street and the only sign I could find said no parking Tuesday from 6am-4pm, I took it. It was about a 2 block walk to the BART.Everything else went well and I managed to buy a ticket, use it correctly and walk the 5 blocks to the meeting place for the group walk.
The  title of the walk  was 5 free museums in San Francisco. We started walking at 10:30 and with the exception of 30 minutes for lunch we didn’t stop until 3:30. We did indeed see 5 free museums but we also wondered along the waterfront, walked through many hidden little gardens, and past lots of interesting pieces of art work and architecture.

Down near the water on a beautiful day

Down near the water on a beautiful day

A tug boat

A tug boat

Cupid's span with a little of the city in the background

Cupid’s span with a little of the city in the background

We walked from the Embarcadero BART station all the way up to the Fairmont hotel ( at the top of the hill as those of you who know San Francisco know) and back down again.

Me at the Fairmont Hotel (at the top of the hill)

Me at the Fairmont Hotel (at the top of the hill)

As it turned out it was the Chinese New Year. We saw many of preparations for the big parade so at the end of the walk, two of the other women and I decided to grab a bite to eat and stay for the parade.

Me walking through p China town as they prepped for the parade

Me walking through  China town as they prepped for the parade

We had a great time, the parade was beautiful.

It might eat me

It might eat me

We saw lost of dragons

We saw lost of dragons

Long ones

Long ones

Scary ones

Scary ones

and close ones

and close ones

Time to go home. I then remembered a comment made by the group leader, “I am going back now before it gets dark as I don’t want to walk in Oakland after dark.” Great!! ( At 7 pm it is very dark) I got off the train, put my backpack on so it was in front of me, put my car keys in my hand between my fingers, the only weapon I had, and reviewed all the self defense things I could think of, remembered I am a 1st degree black belt to help booster my confidence, and took off. Since I am writing this blog you can guess I made it okay but next time I think I will take the bus so I don’t have to push my luck and not listen to someone who never takes public transportation for advice about how to go about it.

The Disappearing Island

Last Wednesday, 2/18/2015, there was a very low tide in Emeryville. Myles one of our friends from the Marina organized a pirate party . There is an area called Ashby Shoals that only shows up a few times a year at very low tides,  just off the coast between Emeryville and Berkeley. About 20 of us piled into little boats, dinghies, kayaks etc. went out to the island. We left about 5 pm and got there just as the island was starting to appear. AshbyShoalF

See our pirate flag and lovely bonfire!


We hunted for buried treasure, I found a box of chocolates!



Hartley and I dressed as pirates , me being the mean one.





Just had to show off my fancy pirate tights.


Myles dressed as a real pirate.


Hartley rowing us home.


The sun sets on the island as it starts to disappear again.  By 8 PM it was all gone!!!

The New Adventure Begins

Hartley sailing leaving RIchmond

Hartley sailing leaving RIchmond

Lesley at the helm

Lesley at the helm

The port of Richmond with its oil tankers

The port of Richmond with its oil tankers

Two tugs getting ready to push one of the oil tankers

Two tugs getting ready to push one of the oil tankers

Hartley, my husband, and I are leaving our 5 bedroom home and moving on our sailboat. It’s name is Atsa, eagle in Navajo. It is a 48 foot Tayana decksalon sloop. That means it has one mast and a slightly raised ceiling in the salon so there is more light down below than in most sailboats. We plan to sail the world.

I arrived yesterday in San Francisco and went to Richmond where the boat had just finished her anti-aging and beauty treatment. Today we motored (there was no wind!) back from Richmond to Emeryville Marina our home port for the next few months. We will be here until mid June getting the boat ready and waiting for the good summer weather. I spent the afternoon unpacking the 90 pounds of stuff I brought from Phoenix (mostly clothes !) and trying to find a place to put it all.